

弗兰克·加迪正在竞选民盟秘书长,以团结民盟, 扩大农村地区年轻律师的项目和机会, and continue efforts of the YLD in rebuilding and recruitment following the COVID-19 pandemic. Frank intends to emphasize recruiting service-hearted leaders through sponsoring camaraderie-building events and planning targeted appearances at all of our law schools and regional YLD affiliates across the state.

弗兰克是同龄人中的良师益友和领导者. 作为Parkview高中的摔跤手,他是一个队长. 肯尼索州立大学, 弗兰克是一位同侪顾问, 通过个人学术成功会议支持学生. 在美世律师事务所,弗兰克担任学生大使.

目前, Frank mentors and leads as the president-elect of the Bootle American Inn of Court, 兼职教授, 也是高中模拟审判项目的教练. 他相信鼓励他人和指导他人.

Frank understands the work necessary to connect YLD members throughout the state and is ready to devote himself to the cause. Frank currently hosts the Litigation 101 series where attorneys gain access to high-quality, 低成本远程继续教育编程. 弗兰克打算扩展这种模式, 寻找合格的YLD成员在其他实践领域主持类似的项目. This will foster a sense of community and provide critical resources to young attorneys in rural communities.

Frank intends to host networking events and opportunities to socialize with peers and colleagues. 通过营造包容的环境, Frank hopes to continue the incredible work of our past presidents and ensure our members feel “the YLD is for EVERYONE.“作为一个自豪的格鲁吉亚人, 弗兰克欣赏各种各样的人, 环境, 以及组成这个美丽州的文化.

YLD肩负着保护该行业未来的责任, 促进专业, 提升下一代的仆人领袖. 弗兰克希望你会选择他.



  • 肯尼索州立大学,B.A.,国际事务; 优等生2013届毕业生
  • 美世大学. 乔治大学法学院(J.D.2016届毕业生


  • 弗兰克在亚特兰大市区长大,在塔克和利尔本都住过. He attended Parkview High School and is proud to be a product of Gwinnett County public schools. 他现在住在佐治亚州中部利泽拉的一个农场里, 就在梅肯城外, 和他的妻子, Siena Berrios 盖迪; his newborn son, Franklin Ignacio “Iggy” 盖迪; five dogs (Indy, 罗西, 汉克, 萨沙, and Maeve); and his barn cat (Uncle Rico).
  • 弗兰克喜欢与家人、朋友和动物共度时光. 在业余时间, 在法律实践之外, 他练习柔术,也喜欢在农场做家务, 奥运会举重, 运行, 骑着他的Peloton去兜风. 此外,他一直是并将永远是勇敢国家的骄傲成员.
  • 在大学期间, Frank 服务d as the peer advisor to all political science and international affairs students. 他被提名为美国大学和学院名人录. 在法学院期间,他是学生大使, 模拟审判竞争者, 基督教法律协会主席.


  • 弗兰克目前是马丁·斯诺律师事务所的合伙人, 律师事务所, 乔治亚州中部领先的全方位服务律师事务所之一. He maintains a diverse general practice representing both corporations and individuals in State and Federal Courts. In his corporate practice he provides services as outside general counsel and trial counsel to both regional and national clients. 在他对个人的代表中, he assists clients and supervises litigation teams in the areas of plaintiff’s personal injury, 国内诉讼, 以及遗嘱认证程序.
  • 弗兰克是美世大学法学院的兼职教授. 他在高级法律写作课程中教授两个学期的写作课程, 起草, 及研究证书课程.
  • 在加入Martin Snow之前, 律师事务所, 弗兰克是在梅肯和另一位律师一起执业的, 乔治亚州. There he practiced plaintiff’s personal injury, domestic law, estate planning, and criminal defense. Through a contract with the county, he represented indigent clients in Bibb County State Court. Managing a diverse practice at a small firm provided Frank the opportunity to gain valuable experience helping clients from all walks of life while developing as a professional.
  • Frank is the president-elect of the William Augustus Bootle American Inn of Court in Macon, 乔治亚州. 就像它的名字一样,W.A. Bootle Inn of Court promotes inclusion and professionalism within the bench and bar of Middle 乔治亚州. The Inn is one of the largest recognized by American Inns of Court—it is comprised of over 150 members. 他也是梅肯律师协会的成员.
  • Frank currently 服务s as a co-chair of the YLD Litigation Committee and is on the YLD 执行委员会 as a Director. 进一步, he is the YLD representative to the 乔治亚州律师协会 为mal Advisory Opinion Board.
  • 今年,弗兰克为《亚洲最大娱乐平台》撰写了一篇专栏文章 YLD检讨. His publications include (1) Litigation 101: Preparation; (2) Litigation 101: Be a Professional Peacemaker, (3)即将出版的《亚洲最大娱乐平台》. 除了, Frank co-authored the forthcoming Mercer Law School’s Legacy of Service to the Profession for 美世法律评论 卷. 76,预计今年春天.
  • Frank is the attorney coach for the Middle 乔治亚州 Christian Home School Association Mock Trial team.


  • 增加服务不足社区和农村社区获得导师和资源的机会.
  • 连接区域分支机构. Rural counties and the young attorneys looking to practice in those communities should have access to mentorship and quality legal programming without excessive travel. 这不仅会支持我们的当地成员,还会改善这些社区. 我将寻求促进与我们区域YLD分支机构的联系. Those affiliates have a better understanding of their unique communities’ needs and how we can best support the young attorneys practicing there.
  • 虚拟继续教育机会. 进一步, the YLD should maintain and host multiple annual educational platforms with multiple one-hour installments, 通过放大, 无论在哪里都可以访问. 目前, I host the Litigation 101 educational series where young attorneys can gain access to remote programming and earn up to 5 hours of 继续教育 credit by attending individual one-hour sessions, 午餐时间, 主题包括专业性, 试验准备, 健康, 法律写作, 口头宣传. This model could be expanded to other areas of practice providing similar connectivity and educational activities for lawyers in all areas of practice, 不管你住在哪个州.
  • 向应届毕业生宣传YLD项目.
  • 法学院外展. 太多的法学院学生在没有YLD知识的情况下毕业, 其功能, 或者YLD提供的途径来促进我们自己和当地社区的发展. 我设想在秋季学期带领YLD“巡回”到所有五所法学院. With the help of our committees, the YLD would host short programs for each different class. These programs would 服务 two purposes (1) to promote awareness and (2) to enrich and 服务 the next generation of young lawyers. 通过接触, 可见性, 以及有意的表象, I hope to increase awareness of involvement of those entering the profession in every corner of this state.
  • 通过服务实现专业发展.
  • 招募有服务精神的领导. 我寻求支持和授权那些想要回馈的YLD成员, 服务, 并参与到他们的社区中. We can do this through identifying members throughout the state who are hungry to 服务. Recruitment is the life blood of any great organization and the YLD is the service-arm of the Bar. 作为一名YLD军官, I would be committed to encouraging selfless leaders—those who ask how they can elevate their communities without seeking personal gain. I intend to further this cause by continuing the work of our past presidents and by virtually hosting a monthly ‘small service’ project which challenges each YLD member to, 在某种程度上, 为他们的社区做贡献.
  • 追求健康和工作与生活的平衡.
  • 促进友情. 这个职业压力很大. 通过网络活动和其他社交机会, 我试图在YLD中营造一种包容的环境. 最终, YLD是为所有人准备的, 所有成员都能从团结和社区意识中受益. 尽管法律的很多方面都是对抗性的, the YLD should remind its members (1) that we all have the same goal—delivering exceptional service to our client; and (2) of the humanity of your opposing counsel.